Life is an illusion. We are all touched by the events we saw unfolding worldwide on 9-11 and are affected in ways we do not fully understand. We see how quickly life can be lost and feel compelled to re-connect with what is truly important in life.
The impact of those events seemingly gave us permission to take time to reassess our lives and purpose for living. Families came coming together and forgave each other for past indifferences. So many realized that our most precious resource is love.
Spiritual Health
It is not only when tragedies occur that we should seek to heal. Although we seek healing when we experience discomfort in our bodies, this is only one form of healing. Lack of physical health is easiest to recognize because we feel the dis-ease in our bodies. Likewise our emotional health is easy to recognize because we feel discomfort in how we relate to others. However, the one most subtle, and yet may have the biggest impact is our spiritual health.
So, how do we heal, spiritually?
- First by forgiveness. Forgive yourself and others. Try saying, “I accept responsibility for my life, releasing blame and the judgment of others.” In truth no one causes us pain, there are only actions, and it’s our perceptions and judgments that cause us pain.
- Find out what inspires you. Most of us live lives of quiet desperation. Experiencing the joy of living can be reached through meditation, or that joy may come upon you at any moment, when you look within for the answers. If you do not go within, you go without. Feel inspired, that is live in-spirit. Do only what brings you joy.
We all have a magnificent tool called free will. Use this tool to create the life you desire. Create in each moment how you choose to re-present yourself in the next moment by the choices you make in this one. Choose love and you will never have to feel guilty for your choices. Guilt and shame are two of the most damaging emotions there is.
Co-Creating with All That Is
We are co-creators of our lives with God, “The All That Is.” If God is all that is, are we not a part of all that which is God? We either live our lives as a part of God (love) or apart from God (fear). Our journey to healing our spirit, mind and body begins with remembering our true selves. Member is defined as “a distinct part of a whole” or “one that belongs to a group or organization.” Healing comes from remembering our true selves, to put back together, to rejoin, the part or parts of ourselves that are not in harmony with nature and with God.
We are all connected, we’re all one, what we do for another we do for ourselves. Meditation, yoga and exercise are just three ways that can help us reconnect to the loving energy available to us always, in all ways.
Love is the capacity to allow all other things to grow into their fullest expression of self. Give yourself permission to do the same, this is where true love and healing begins.
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I found it interesting how you mentioned how we have our free will to guide us into the future and how we will never feel guilty of our choices if we choose to love. My daughter has been struggling with her spirituality and has let a lot of hate into her life because of it. I will be sure to pass this information on to her so she can seek out spiritual care!